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Controlling moles
Moles are every lawn lover’s nightmare. Have you put all the time and effort into your lawn to keep it looking nice and green and fresh, suddenly molehills appear. Besides the fact that molehills are a nuisance because the grass is difficult to walk on, the appearance of a lawn with molehills does not improve. Yet moles are useful animals, even in your garden. Moles eat harmful insects that prey on the roots of the plants in your garden. Unfortunately, molehills are an undesirable side effect and in order to prevent further damage to your lawn, you need to control them.
Moles nuisance? These are the main symptoms
It is not that moles directly cause nuisance to people themselves. Nor do moles pose any danger to humans. What is true is that lawn owners and farmers can experience a lot of nuisance from the many molehills that moles sometimes leave behind. Although a mole rarely comes above ground, the molehill forms an exit from its burrow, through which it sometimes emerges to catch insects. Many times there are several molehills together and this can cause damage to the lawn or grassland. In severe cases, if the mole has dug a huge burrow and with a certain type of soil, soil could collapse.
Where do moles come from?
Moles do not have a specific place where they originally came from. A prerequisite for the mole is that there is soil in which they can dig well. So this should not be too dry, too stony or too sandy. So anywhere where there is good digging soil the mole can also occur. The presence of sufficient food is also a prerequisite. The main food of moles consists of earthworms. In Europe, the mole is found almost everywhere, but there are some exceptions, such as some parts of Scandinavia, Ireland and some countries and islands in southern Europe.
What should you especially not do?
Controlling moles can be done in several ways. A classic that has never helped is to fill the molehill with water, hoping the mole will drown. The mole is lightning fast underground so when you turn on your garden hose the mole is long gone. If you are an animal lover and have no business harming a mole, there is no need to control moles by killing them. There are also means enough to control moles with natural remedies or remedies that they hate and stay away from your lawn anyway.
What can you do?
There are some simple means of controlling moles. For example, you can place a glass jar or glass bottle in the molehill with the opening facing up. The wind will then blow past the opening, creating a very unpleasant sound for the mole and he will leave the area. Alternatively, for a more drastic approach, you can use mole clips where the mole is killed. You can also hire an exterminator who can then professionally control the moles. They also have the right knowledge about moles.
How to prevent moles
An effective way to prevent moles from making molehills in your lawn is to cover the sandy soil with wire mesh before laying the lawn. Over this, you then pour a little sand and the turf. If you want to protect your entire yard from moles, dig a trench along the edges of your yard to about 40 inches and apply mesh there as well. This way the mole will be stopped from entering your garden. Do you already have molehills but want to prevent moles from coming back? Then buy a natural pesticide that includes the plant Emperor’s Crown. Moles can smell tremendously well and dislike the smell of this plant. In a vegetable garden, it can sometimes help to dig garlic bulbs into the ground. Moles also dislike this smell.
Controlling moles? Follow these 5 tips:
- A mole trap is one of the most effective ways to catch moles. Unfortunately, a mole clamp will kill the mole. You can also opt for a mole trap. This is a type of cage in which the mole is caught alive. Do check these cages daily, because a trapped mole cannot eat and it has a fast metabolism.
- Vibrations and scents are another way to control moles. There are devices on the market that can provide light vibrations where the mole is sensitive. You can also use scents to prevent the mole from attacking your lawn.
- In a professional manner, moles can be tackled with carbon monoxide. For this you need special equipment. Therefore, it is wise to hire a professional exterminator for this method.
- You can make your garden as attractive as possible to the natural above-ground enemy of moles, such as foxes, herons, owls and storks.
- Contact a pest controller. The exterminator knows all about the mole’s behavior and can thus best control moles.
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